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News 08.06.2020

ENplus® celebrates 1000 certified companies

We are happy to announce that ENplus® has reached a significant milestone. As the world-leading certification scheme for wood pellets, we now have a total of 1000 active certificates of companies in 46 countries around the globe.

By being recognised and embraced by such a substantial number of producers, traders, and service providers, ENplus® has proven to be a major factor on the global wood pellet market. Today, more than ever, quality is considered to be the most valuable characteristic of the entire supply chain.

Ensuring harmonised quality levels for the production and the distribution of wood pellets is a compelling benefit for the end-users, but it is also a definite sign for the stable progress of the industry itself.

This notable achievement comes as a result of the consistent efforts and the dedication of Bioenergy Europe, our national licensers (AIEL, AVEBIOM, Propellet France, ProPellet Switzerland, ProPellets Austria, DEPI, WPAC, Czech Pellets Cluster, AIMMP, LatBio, LitBioma, UK Pellet Council), all ENplus® listed certification, inspection and testing bodies, and the national promoting associations (Polish Pellet Council and SVEBIO).

We would like to express our appreciation to all our partners and to all the certified companies that have given us their trust and have contributed to the development of the certification scheme. Thanks to your active involvement we can proudly state that almost 12 million tonnes* of wood pellets have met our criteria for quality. Moreover, this number of certified pellets represents about 77% of European heating market**.

What other key features make the ENplus® certification scheme so successful?

  • Being a third-party certification scheme guarantees transparency and reliability. All Certification Bodies, accredited and listed by ENplus®, are external and run their conformity assessments independently.
  • ENplus® relies on rigorous requirements and provides detailed guidelines. To ensure the scheme procedures are put into effect precisely, regular trainings are organised for the certified companies and partners.
  • Delivering high quality requires good quality management. Therefore, ENplus® certified companies are required to have a proper management system in place which includes self-monitoring procedures approved by their inspection body.
  • ENplus® combats fraud cases to prevent unfair practices and to protect the value of being a certified company. We keep our Blacklist up-to-date to make all infringements known to the national and international markets.
  • Due to its global scale, ENplus® creates a common framework, an environment where sellers and buyers speak the same language, which creates opportunities for more intensive international trade and for a potential increase of production.
  • ENplus® makes the choice easier for the consumers of wood pellets who can pick the highest quality without investing much time and effort. The ENplus® seal is the only indicator they need to be aware of.

*as of 2019, ENplus®

*estimation as of 2020, ENplus®